
Nicole specializes in preserving personal stories and intergenerational anecdotes through worn garments. Her inquisitiveness centers on exploring the entanglements of archive collections, gender expressions, and women’s herstory across a sartorial framework referencing idiosyncratic ensembles as material (auto)biographies while engaging in active seminars to share her findings.

Her former intellectual interests concentrated on rewriting the narrative surrounding the value of “old clothes” where inquiries directed at the social life of fashion objects now challenge how we must think of history as not only dates, facts, and figures but of emotions and feelings. As guardians of information specially trained in safekeeping original material and a body of records, Nicole suggests that fashion archivists and historians should consider the lives of the wearers as it informs how these tactile artifacts were worn, styled, and exhibited to bring memory into collections research.


  • Association of Dress Historians (ADH) presents its 2023 autumn conference, “Ad-Dressing Margins”: Historically Underrepresented Fashion and Style, which focuses on centering historically marginalized communities, fashion, style, and dress in historic and modern contexts. The event included specialist theme workshops.

  • The Archivists Round Table (A.R.T.) presents A Virtual Conversation with Fashion Archivists, a discussion of current archival research and practices. (2022)

  • The En[…]Clothed Collective presents UN:RESOLVED, this inaugural event is a virtual immersive experience showcasing interdisciplinary, visual research bridging theory & practice centered on embodiment. (2021)

  • Secondhand Cultures in Unsettled Times, an interdisciplinary virtual symposium for the School of Journalism, Media & Culture at Cardiff University. (2021)

  • Fashion Praxis: A Symposium on Fashion and Politics, using Hannah Arendt’s The Human Condition (1958) as a conceptual framework, conversations between participating faculty members across the disciplines within the New School present their research, connect their work, and think through the potential of what “fashion praxis” and “praxis” more generally might mean across disciplines, fields, practices, and realities. (2014)


  • The Clothing We Wear, The Clothes We Keep: How First-Generation Americans use Styling as Storytelling

  • An Archive of Memories: Preserving Stories Through the Objects We Wear

  • “Go for Fantasy or Reflect Reality?”: A Playful Visual Liaison between the Clothed Body, Embodiment, and Film Characters in American Vogue

  • The “Archaeology of Fashion” Research Project: Unveiling New Secondhand Practices and Cultures from the Perspective of First-Generation Americans

“Go for Fantasy or Reflect Reality?”: A Playful Visual Liaison between the Clothed Body, Embodiment, and Film Characters in American Vogue for UN:RESOLVED Symposium 2021 organized by The En[…]Clothed Collective



